Write to the government
Writing a letter to your MP (or, if you are in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, your MSP, AM or MLA too) is a good way of publicising the Changing Places campaign and gathering support for your cause.
MPs rely on local people to make them aware of issues of concern in the area that they represent. So, if you are campaigning for a Changing Places toilet in the local area, it can be very useful to have the public support of a local politician.
You can find out who your MP, MSP, AM or MLA is, and write to them, through the Write to Them website. Also, as a constituent, your MP must respond to your letter.
Remember to tell your MP:
- Who you are
- Why you are interested in this issue (maybe you are disabled yourself, or you have a relative or friend who needs Changing Places toilets)
- What the Changing Places campaign is
- What you want
- Your address - to show them that you are a constituent and make sure you get a reply
If you write to your MP, please let us know. It would be really helpful if you could send us a copy of any reply you receive, too.