The Changing Places Consortium (and Changing Places UK)is a group of UK not-for-profit organisations and individuals who support accessibility and inclusion. The Consortium and the Changing Places campaign currently receive no sponsorship or financing from any commercial organisations.
The suppliers listed below include Changing Places toilets suppliers that we know to deliver the required standards, as recommended in the BS8300 Code of Practice. Meeting these standards is essential in order for a Changing Places toilet to be registered and display the official trademarked Changing Places toilet logo, which acts as an endorsement of a specific installation from the Changing Places Consortium and an indication that as far as the Changing Places Consortium can reasonably be aware the facility continues to meet the required standard.
We enjoy and value good relationships with suppliers, but are in no way affiliated with any companies.
E: (NI) info@accessoloo.org T: (NI) 028 9751 2670
E: (RoI) hello@accessoloo.org T: (RoI) 1800 851088
8 Riverdale Lane, Saintfield County Down BT24 7JG
Astor Bannerman
E: sales@astorbannerman.co.uk
Any queries or to request an on-site demonstration of equipment: info@astorbannerman.co.uk
T: 01242 820820
Astor Bannerman, The Elephant Works, Andoversford Link, Cheltenham GL54 4LB
Closomat Limited
E: info@closomat.co.uk
T: 0800 374076
Closomat Limited, Building 1, Brooklands Place, Brooklands Road, Sale, Cheshire M33 3SD
Danfo (UK) Ltd
E: info@danfo.co.uk
T: 01253 593141
Unit 5F, Moorfields, Blackpool, Lancashire FY2 0JY
Design Healthcare Ltd
E: info@designhealthcare.co.uk
T: 01934 820956
M: 07566 229530
Design Healthcare Limited, Whitecross Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 1EN
E: Sales@healthmatic.com
T: 01249 822 063
Healthmatic, Redman Road, Calne, Wiltshire, SN119PL
Inclusive Care Solutions
E: enquiries@inclusivecaresolutions.co.uk
T: 03332 416358
M: 07842 784401
11 Ermin Park, Brockworth, Gloucestershire. GL3 4BD
Innova Care Concepts
E: enquiries@innova.uk.com
T: 0345 034 1451
Fax: 0345 0341451
Rofta House, Rudgate, Thorp Arch, Wetherby, Leeds LS23 7QA
Specialist Patient Handling Equipment
T: 024 7647 2600
Multicare Medical Limited, Progress House, Jacknell Road, Hinckley LE10 3BS
E: uk@pressalit.com
T: 0118 923 2696
Pressalit Limited, 100 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, Reading RG2 6GP
Prism Medical UK
E: info@prismmedical.co.uk
T: 01924 840100
Prism Medical UK
North Regional Service Centre and Head Office
Unit 4, Jubilee Business Park, Jubliee Way, Grange Moor, Wakefield WF4 4TD
Rise Adaptations Limited
E: hello@riseadapt.co.uk
T: 07729 224738
Rise Adaptations Limited, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 4NU
Wealden Rehab
E: hello@wealdenrehab.com
T: 0845 658 8411
Wealden Rehab, 113 Hopewell Drive, Chatham, Kent ME5 7NP
Equipment Stockists & Suppliers:
Dolphin Mobility
E: help@dolphinliftsnorth.com
T: 0191 271 2600
Dolphin Stairlifts (Northeast) Limited
Unit 16F, Airport Industrial Estate, Kingston Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 2EF
Kingkraft Limited
E: info@kingkraft.co.uk
T: 0114 269 0697
Kingkraft Limited, 26D Orgreave Crescent, Dore House Industrial Estate, Sheffield S13 9NQ
Monarch Mobility
E: sales@monarchmobility.com
T: 0800 002 9633
Monarch Mobility Limited, Boothtown Road, Halifax HX3 6UB
W Munro (Rehab) Ltd
E: info@wmunro.com
T: 0141 952 2323