Run a local campaign
Local campaigning has been instrumental in getting hundreds of Changing Places toilets installed.
If you want to see a Changing Places toilet near you, setting up a local campaign group to gather support and lobby decision makers in your area is an effective way of making that change happen.
We have created a local campaigns pack to help you.
It includes tips and ideas and a six-step guide to help you run a local campaign. It also contains useful contacts, template plans and press releases to really get your campaign moving.
Responding to planning consultations
It is cheaper and easier to install Changing Places toilets if they are included in the plans for new buildings. So it is well worth finding out if there are plans for new buildings like a new shopping centre, major supermarket or leisure complex in your area. If there are, you could approach the company directly and try to persuade them of the importance of including a Changing Places toilet in their plan.
You can also influence the decision to include a Changing Places toilet through the local authority. Applications for new buildings have to be approved by local authorities, or the Planning Service in Northern Ireland. They must take into account the needs of disabled people when they consider applications for new buildings or building developments.
You could:
- find out what processes the local authority (or Planning Service in Northern Ireland) goes through to consider the needs of disabled people in any new planning applications, and ask how you can get involved.
- find out if the local authority (or Disability Action in Northern Ireland) employ an access officer and if so arrange to meet with them to explain why Changing Places toilets should be included in plans for all big public places.
- find out if there is an Access Association (in England) or Access Panel (in Scotland) in your local area. If so you could make enquiries about joining this group or ask if you can attend a meeting to tell them about the need for Changing Places toilets.
- find out what else the local authority does to consult with the general public about new building developments, for example you may be able to view plans which are available in the local library or local planning service, or write a letter to express your views.
You can find details of your local authority by going to the Directgov website and clicking on ‘directories’. You can get contact details for your local access officer from your local authority or you can contact the National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC) by telephoning 020 7234 0434 or visiting the NRAC website.