Technical Advice Note 12: Design Aspects
In Wales, all planning policy is covered by the document Planning Policy for Wales (2002) with supplementary guiding documents called Technical Advice Notes. As part of the changing places campaign in Wales the Welsh Assembly agreed an amendment to the Technical Advice Note (TAN) 12 which covers aspects of design.
TAN 12 states:
5.3.7 Those seeking permission to build new and public commercial buildings are encouraged to include in their plans, accessible ‘Changing Places’ toilet facilities in addition to standard accessible toilets. These toilets have enough space for disabled people and their carers or personal assistant(s), and the right equipment, including a height adjustable changing bench and hoist.
Although not a firm onus on public and commercial builds (such as leisure centres, shopping complexes and entertainment venues) it is a resounding endorsement from the Welsh Assembly Government of good practice in planning policy. The current state of devolution means that the powers to make them a pre-requisite to being granted planning permission is not devolved to the Assembly. However, assurance has been given that when such powers are devolved, further amendments will be made with regard to Changing Places toilets.