Aunty Agatha's changing facilities
As visitors to our website will know, we have a page dedicated to venues which provide adult changing facilities with some of the features of a Changing Places toilet – but not all the requirements. This is our "other changing facilities" page.
We list these venues as they may provide useful facilities beyond what is normally provided in a standard accessible toilet. You can contact these venues directly for more information about what changing facilities they provide.
We were recently contacted by Catherine Colby-Johnson of “Aunty Agatha’s” in Kenilworth, Warwickshire who are a high street shop and online web store selling home and personal adaptations, clothing and education resources to children, teens and adults.
They have only been open 4 weeks and we were so delighted to receive their email about their toilet and changing facilities that we though we should let people know about it and our “other changing facilities” page on this site.
Aunty Agatha’s facility does not meet the Changing Places criteria as the room is much smaller than necessary and the toilet is in the corner of the room. It does have an adult changing bench and will soon have a free standing portable hoist and privacy screen.
Catherine says: “Because most of our customers are elderly, disabled or carers we felt the shop needed to have toilet and changing facilities. We also have refreshment facilities just to make visiting the shop and Kenilworth easier and more pleasant.”
The Changing Places consortium recommends that all developers and providers install their Changing Places to the British Standard 8300.
However, this is not possible in all buildings and we would like to thank all at Aunty Agatha’s who have gone “the extra mile” to improve the shopping experience in Kenilworth for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and others who need extra support.
Find out more here: www.auntyagathas.co.uk
Find out more about our "other changing facilities" here: