Ask your MP to sign an Early Day Motion for better public toilets
MPs are signing up to an Early Day Motion calling for better public toilet provision. It highlights the fact that a lack of good public toilets has a particular impact on older and disabled people. This supports the Changing Places campaign demands for more Changing Places toilets in public places.
An Early Day Motion is a kind of petition which MPs can sign to express their views about any issue. Ministers are not usually allowed to sign EDMs, but other MPs may do so.
We want as many MPs as possible to sign EDM 113, tabled by Timothy Farron MP. The full text of the EDM is as follows:
“That this House believes that the provision of public lavatories is a vital public service and notes with regret the closure of public lavatories over recent years; recognises that these closures have a particular impact on older and disabled people and those with young families; and calls on the Government to make the necessary resources available to enable local authorities to provide public lavatories.”
You can see which MPs have already signed the EDM on the UK parliament website.
Please write to your MP to ask him or her to sign it, and to add their support to our campaign. If you write to your MP please let us know - and please send us a copy of any reply you receive, too.